Monday, 8 July 2013

One week of the challenge already past

Today is the 8th Day of the Summer 30 Day Challenge and so far so good. Some have already used up their "get out of jail" cards, but for the most part participants are on track. The first week is always the hardest because you have to learn to think differently. It is easy to "let slip" and  realize after you have taken a bite of whatever it is that you have chosen to replace just because you are in still in the "old habit" mode. It happens and you can't beat yourself up about it, at least you realized and didn't just go ahead and eat the forbidden thing intentionally! Remember, it is about progress not perfection.

Participants have been reporting their daily activity to me and are doing well. Most are going way over their minimum 15 minutes a day (for 5 days in a week) requirement.

Here is Elizabeth's Landmark photo as well as one from Debra. Kristin from Michigan has been doing gardening and sent along a photo for us! Also, photos of the "Girl's Night Out" pics are coming in too! Thank you ladies.

Tea and Vietnamese food in Portland Oregon with 2 of my favorite 

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