Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Where do we come from?

Each participant has submitted one landmark photo.

First in was Anna from Australia's picture of Byron Bay in Australia. This area is well known for the lighthouse.
"Doing great so far today. Did a 20 minute walk only as we have lots of rain..."

Beth sent in a pic of a local park in Pittsburgh, U.S.A.

Kristin reported this after the first day,
"Kristin in Michigan is happy to report she is sugar free and despite reading a friend mentioning fudge brownies, I did not cave:) Went on an hour hike at the state park by work. Mosquitos and mud were awful, but it was fun. Nothing like nature:) Wish I had my camera. I saw oodles of critters. My friend was bummed because she kept missing 'em."

Nina in Oregon reported,
"Weighed, measured, ready to go!" 
Here is her landmark photo and she wrote,

"The closest land-mark I can come up with is High Pass Vineyard!
The whole area is full of grapes."

Cheryl in Toronto said,
"Have weighed and measured and look forward to the boost I need to get out there each day to do something!"
Cheryl sent in this landmark photo of the CN Tower in Toronto, Ontario, Canada 

Crystal sent in this landmark photo  To subscribe to my consolidated newsletter, Click here  Melony Teague a freelance writer and columnist and motivator who lives in Canada with her husband and two young children. Founder of "Secrets of Body Transformation from the Inside Out"  Join me on facebook

1 comment:

  1. Love all of the shots! I have at least two shots planned. Hopefully can get to the one spot this weekend. The other spot within the next two weeks. Unless old photos from previous trips count;)
    Go Challengers!


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