Sometimes life brings little surprises, and every so often it brings big surprises that really touch my heart. Yesterday was the end of one of those experienced where I really saw the power of love and support in action. I want to thank every one who voted for me in the TOP 25 Blogs competition. You have been so patient with me in my petitions to ask you to vote. Some of you really 'caught the vision' and stood behind me posting it on your own social media and sharing with friends. When the competition heated up near the end, it only through the love and support from my loyal readers and friends that we finished not far behind the top spot. I have made new friends through what seemed like a roller coaster ride as my rankings climbed and stayed in the top three most of the competition. Now let me just say something here, the winner has been blogging way longer than I have and she also has thousands of followers on facebook. This makes me even more astounded by the support I received, I don't have as many "followers" on twitter or facebook, but the ones that do follow me, really care and I am so blessed that I was able to connect with you all in some way. Whether you are reading my recipe's and looking at food in a new way, or whether you are learning along with me in the journey of life, health and fitness, to have you come alongside and walk with me is something I do not take for granted.
To my new subscribers, I welcome you. Thank you for taking the time to sign up and I hope that now that the competition is over we will maintain our connections!
After the competition was over I messaged my trainer and one of my most loyal supporters, Igor Klibanov, and said, "Don't forget to vote! - Just kidding!"
Seriously, what will I do without all the checking of the poles and the messages to vote, I will have so much more time on my hands! Starting off with a 90 minute swim this morning to celebrate!
To all of you, you are my champions, and I am so thankful!
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Melony Teague a freelance writer and columnist who lives in Canada with her husband and two young children.
Founder of "Secrets of Body Transformation from the Inside Out"
Join me on facebook.
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